The history of the cave Vjetrenica

Reljef na ulazu u špilju Vjetrenica Reljef na ulazu u špilju Vjetrenica

Ovaj objekt se prvi put spominje polovicom 1. stoljeća nakon Krista u djelu "Povijest prirode" (Historia naturalis) koju 77. godine objavljuje Plinije Stariji, a poslije i drugi autori, npr Getaldić.

Sustavna znanstvena istraživanja počinju tek od kraja 19 stoljeća, Groller (1889), Vavrović (1893), Katzer (1903), i drugi.

Najsustavnija znanstvena istraživanja špilje provodi češki znanstvenik (biolog, geograf, speleolog, paleontolog) Karel Absolon u razdoblju od 1912. do 1914. godine, kada otkriva gotovo sve danas poznate špiljske kanale.

Topografske izmjere i prvi nacrt špilje izradio je srpski geograf Mihajlo Rdaovanović (1929), dok je hidrološki šplju istraživao geomorfolog Sime Milojević (1938).

Cjelovit nacrt uz uporabu teodolita izradila je 1958. godine tvrtka Energoinvest i Speleološka udruga Bosansko-hercegovački krš.

Detalj reljefa na ulazu u špilju
Detalj reljefa na ulazu u špilju Vjetrenica

Najnovija istraživanja koja od 2000. godine provode speleolozi SD Velebit iz Zagreba rezultirala su otkrićem novih kanala i najtočnijim topografskim nacrtom.

Od 2005. godine provodi se monitoring koji uključuje kontinuirane izmjere temperature i pritiska zraka i vode, relativnu vlagu zraka, brzinu i smjer strujanja zraka te razinu vode.

A mystical world open to all of us

Cave Rules

  1. Please be advised to wear long trousers as well as sturdy shoes. You should neither wear flip-flops nor shoes that have a high risk of slipping.
  2. Always be located in the vicinity of your tour guide and stick to your group - do not leave them.
  3. In case you are feeling tired, please notify the tour guide immediately.
  4. Please do not leave any waste, always bear in mind that you are located in a protected eco-system of great value.
  5. Pets are not allowed to enter the cave.
  6. Please do not take requisites out of the cave!
  7. We strongly disadvise visits for children under the age of 4, persons who suffer from claustrophobia as well as those who have difficulties in physical movement.
  8. Thank you for your understanding!

Interesting facts about the Vjetrenica cave

World's #1
in biodiversity
total channel length
total tour paths
average annual temperature

What our visitors say

  • Francisco Gutiérrez

    In June 2010, I had the great fortune of visiting the Vjetrenica Cave, located in Popovo Polje. It was a magnificient experience, highly recommendable for any person keen on nature. The Vjetrenica Cave has all the ingredients to enjoy, learn and experiencing surprises. You will feel a pleasant fresh wind at the entrance, decorated with beautiful petroglifs. The visiting sector of the cave has large size galleries with a path from which you will be able to admire gorgeous speleothems (stalactites, stalagmites, columns, cascade-like, flowstones, gours) and lakes with the blind proteous. The hospitality of the guides, Jasna and Helena, make the visit very special. I am sure they will surprise you.

Enjoy the best things to see in Zavala with a plan including Vjetrenica

Emergency procedure

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